About Agarwal Samaj
Need of Hour
• Setting the right process and getting the right people.
• Include & involve Innovative Leaders & Dreamers.
• True innovators are those who refuse to pressure quo.
• Need to create a new set of leaders.
• Who are visionaries and thinkers.
• Capable of thinking of impossible and inspiring people to make it happen.
Why the Need
• Innovation brings in spontaneity and exceptionality.
• Standard management practices, based on Avoiding Conflict.
• Innovators are bound to create conflict.
• Standard Management Practice is based on how well a job done.
Option to Us
• Live in Status quo and continue to suffer.
• Unite and show the strength with innovation to the World.
• Choice is yours.
Reward and Recognition
• Awards and felicitations to the performing members every in different categories.
• Coverage of achievements in Print and electronic media regularly and prominently.
• Scholarship to deserving Vaish talent.
• Informative and study tours.
• Support and Guidance to Unemployed Vaish.
Important to be in Touch
• Information on important issues, events , activities, press releases etc. to all regular.
• Web portal to interact and exchange all relevant information to protect exclusivity where ever necessary.

Third in the Varna system, Vaishyas supposedly evolved from Brahma’s thighs. The Vaishya’s duty was to ensure the community’s prosperity through trade and merchandising.
They are commonly known as banias, a distortion of the Sanskrit word vanik meaning “trader”. In southern India, the Chettiars and Mudaliars while in North Agarwals , Maheshwaris , Khandelwals are prominent Vaishya communities, who have contributed to society by building hospitals, endowing universities and developing industries . While the fortunes of the other castes have fluctuated with politics and invasions, the Vaishyas alone have preserved their social and financial stability down the ages movement and then evolved into modern India’s leading industrialists.
The colour associated with this Varna is yellow, symbolizing Rajas/Tamas, meaning quality in general. Some traditional north Indian surnames for Vaishyas are Gupta, Bhuti, Agarwal,Garg.
According to the Indian caste system, Vanika (Sanskrit) or Bania (Hindi) is a trader or merchant belonging to the business class.
Trading communities in India include:
- Agrawals of Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab
- Guptas, related to Agarwals
- Varshneys of Uttar Pradesh
- Oswals of Rajastan, Punjab & Gujarat
- Rauniyars of Nepal ,UP, Bihar & West Bengal
- Barnwals of UP, Bihar & West Bengal
- Chetti from Tamil Nadu
- Gahoi of UP/MP
- Komti of Andhra
- Maheshwari of Rajasthan
- Pancham of Maharashtra, Karnataka
- Parwars of Madhya Pradesh
- Vaishnav of Gujarat
- Rauniars of Nepal ,UP, Bihar & West Bengal
Different Type of Vaish Subcast
Aggrawal | Rajwanshi | Baranwal | Churuwal | Shrimal |
Shrawak | Maheshwari | Khandelwal | Vijaywargia | Oswal |
Nagar | Barahseni (Varsneya) | Mahur Mahor | Mathur | Rastogi |
Gahoi | Gujrati | Kadimi | Gandharia | Dhakar |
Meratwal | Kolwar | Jangre | Puruwal | Bhagerwal |
Atode | Mordh | Palliwal | Jaini | Lohania |
Kumartanay | Pokere | Tokwal | Puruwal | Neme |
Padmawati | Narsinghpure Jaini | Dasoire | Khatoire | Choiseni |
Didu | Kesarwani | Shivhare | Gulhare | Golwara |
Majan Vaisya | Jhankare | Bhatebare | Yagyaseni | Kanyakubjya |
Doser | Lohia | Mehta | Vatham | Kasondhan |
Omar | Gaware Mahore | Mahawar | Mahuri | Roniyar |
Jayaswal | Chourasia | Tailik | Ayodhyawasi | Awadhiya |
Awadhpuria | Sunmania | Chaturshreni Mahor | Aghari | Madhyadesia |
Shondrik | Bhagat | Arya Vaisya | Kaumti | Maharajan |
Mihir | Mihiriya | Madar | Maurya | Mahavanik |
Usmar | Kunware | Khobi | Pisarwani | Sursen |
Barsani | Khat | Jameya | Kamalpuriya | Khath |
Gudia | Kapola | Puratan | Khandayat | Harsora |
Gobhuj | Oswal | Sethi | Ligayat | Adajal |
Anepwal | Ajmera | Adora | Atachar | Adaliya |
Achatwal | Arachitwal | Unwal | Adhaya | Urvala |
Indauria | Khatherwal | Kurmi Bania | Kakaria | Kajohiwal |
Kambowal | Karnera | Kandoiya | Kathola | Kathora |
Kartiwal | Kakola | Kolapuri | Kunthatar | Kaparia |
Kurwar | Kasmiri | Kanu | Khakhna | Khadu |
Khadeta | Khatarwal | Khochi | Khakha | Khemwal |
Khadaychi | Kherwal | Golpuri | Gasora | Gujakha |
Gangerwal | Gogwar | Gabchack | Gajera | Gauri |
Gaurat | Gardhwali | Gangrara | Gujarwala | Gandharia |
Golai | Gorkhe | Gangapari | Gohle | Grami |
Chitrawal | Cholodia | Chacckchap | Chokede | Chathurath |
Thalnara | Nachatra | Chitore | Churuwal | Chouti |
Jarola | Jiwanwal | Jaitwal | Jambu | Jema |
Janoura | Jamania | Jaitiswar | Jalhari | Jingopari |
Jhaliyar | Jalora | Jharoul | Tatar | Tachsal |
Tatouroa | Titora | Thathwal | Thakarwal | Thakhar |
Didoria | Disawal | Dedhoumar | Dabsiwes | Dwarikawasi |
Dasoura | Dasara | Doelbaya | Deshwal | Dasadi |
Dewari | Dilliwal | Dhawal | Dharwal | Dhari |
Dhoi | Dhawalkosthi | Nagendra | Nadhora | Narodha |
Narasia | Naraya | Nathchalla | Nahame | Nagdawhi |
Nawamara | Notia | Nathila | Naganhesa | Nani |
Tadra | Patolia | Padmira | Patewal | Panchyawal |
Puskarwal | Parwal | Pawachia | Piwadi | Padasia |
Tancham | Pasra | Parwata | Padhara | Pantiwal |
Poukar | Prawara | Prahrav | Patania | Patnapuri |
Panchampokhra | Gadhdas | Baisbania | Badesa | Budhal |
Bougar | Bahnkaya | Bagbas | Bawaria | Barahmasi |
Bohra | Bargas | Badnora | Jhugarwal | Bhakaria |
Bhawangeh | Bharija | Bhagorwal | Bhungada | Brityanuri |
Bhatia | Bhitewara | Bhagau | Bhugat | Bhragadi |
Moudh | Mehwada | Mangora | Mandalia | Medara |
Matia | Maya | Mathpar | Mandara | Mandihad |
Maithal | Moranwal | Medawal | Mihirwal | Miranwal |
Muihar | Morko | Rajpuri | Rothai | Rogora |
Rui | Rama | Rahti | Rajia | Ladisak |
Lad | Luharinya | Lahu | Lakam | Lawech |
Waruri | Vidiyada | Vaish | Batiwara | Vayad |
Visalwar | Vogra | Varnvara | Vagrah | Vasami |
Vayeda | Vayech | Vaish | Basta | Vadarwal |
Vagriwa | Variri | Vagrora | Vadvaiya | Vapchwal |
Vachad | Vednara | Vahora | Valmival | Vaheda |
Bandarwal | Varmaka | Swarnkar | Sojatwal | Soharwal |
Sourathia | Sutal | Sarahia | Satwal | salau |
sarkharal | surani | soudhath | salahkhar | san |
satiguru | sahel | sadiya | swariv | saredwal |
sigar | setwal | souneya | sadh | sawaria |
sirkata | sachora | sursarwal | bhikhand | halora |
hihal | harad | hakharia | hum | harsora |
hardui | shetti-chetti |